Department: Sciences of matter
Thesis Title:"Combinaison des méthodes spectrochimiques et des méthodes statistiques pour une meilleure authentification de I 'huile d'olive"
Date, Mars 10,2024 Time '10 Am
Location: Central Library Conference Room
- User rating scale
- User rating scale2
- Scale for evaluating participation in the scientific event
- Evaluation ladder for lurking to improve the level abroad
- Resolution No. 255 sets the selection criteria
- Scientific demonstration evaluation scale
- Evaluation scale for short-term training for researchers
- A rating scale for technical users
- An assessment scale for academic residency
Department: Sciences of matter
Thesis Title:"Nouveaux complexes de rhénium(I) tricarbonyles contenant des ligands monovalents bivalents de benzène sulfonamide et de coumarine comme inhibiteurs sélectifs de I'anhydrase et carbonique humaine IX et XII:Structures, DFT et docking moléculaire"
Date, Mars 5,2024 Time '10 Am
Location: Central Library Conference Room
Department: Mathematics
Thesis Title:" Sur le spectre quadratique généralisé des opérateurs bornés ".
Date, Febrary 26, 2024 Time '10 ¨A.m.
Location: Central Library Conference Room
Department: Mathematics
Thesis Title:" Numerical Processing of Nonlinear Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations by Applying Projection Techniques ".
Date, Febrary 26,2023 Time '14 ¨P.m.
Location: Central Library Conference Room
Department: Sciences of matter
Thesis Title:" Ab-initio study of the properties of the 3D SrS-based mono-doped and codoped comPounds.
A comparative study of the 2D and 3D mono-doped compounds ".
Date, Febrary22, 2023 Time '13 ¨P.m.
Location: Central Library Conference Room
Department: Sciences of matter
Thesis Title:" Etude ab-initio des matériaux bidimensionnels à base de trihalogénures
de métaux de transition ".
Date, 22 Febrary 2024 Time '9 ¨A.m.
Location: Videoconference room of the Faculty Central Library