Department: Mathematics
Thesis Title: "Contributions aux problèmes variationnels et aux inclusions différentielles"
Date, 14/02/2021 Time '10 a.m.
Location: Conference room of the Central Library
Field:Applied mathematics
- Speciality:applied mathematics
- Speciality:Differential equations and applications
- Speciality:Modeling, control and optimization
Field:Computer science
Candidate: KARFEF Saliha
Department: Sciences of matter
Thesis Title: "Étude de premiers principes des pérovskites"
Date, 01/02/2021 Time '10 a.m.
Location: Conference room of the Central Library
Candidate: GUECHI Nassima
Department: Sciences of matter
Thesis Title: "Matériaux fonctionnels : Étude ab initio"
Date, 01/02/2021 Time '14 p.m.
Location: Conference room of the Central Library
Candidate: BOUNAYA Mohammed Charif
Department: Mathematics
Thesis Title: "Etude analytique et numérique pour les équations integro-différentielles non linéaires de Fredholm"
Date, 01/25/2021 Time '10 a.m.
Location: Conference room of the Central Library
Candidate: SALAH Selma
Department: Mathematics
Thesis Title: "Equation of dynamics with a numerical approach"
Date, 03/01/2021 Time '10 a.m.
Location: Conference room of the Central Library
Candidate: BERHAIL Amel
Department: Mathematics
Date, 01/10/2021 Time '10 a.m.
Location: Conference room of the Library
Candidate: MAIZI Rafik
Department: Sciences of matter
Date, 07/01/2021 Time '10 a.m.
Location: Conference room of the Central Library
It is brought to the attention of students of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Material Sciences of the University of GUELMA admitted to the 2 nd and 3 rd year license for the 2020/2021 academic year, that As part of orientation from the 1st year to the 2nd year of the license and also from the 2 nd year to the 3 rd year of the license, they must complete their online greeting cards via the orientation platform through the site, and this during the period from 12/06/2020 to 12/10/2020. However, we inform the students that the orientation results will be published on the university website.