





Tue, 02/09/2021 - 11:02

Candidate: KECIS Mohamed

Department: Mathematics

Thesis Title: "Contributions aux problèmes variationnels et aux inclusions différentielles"

Date, 14/02/2021 Time '10 a.m.

Location: Conference room of the Central Library

Wed, 01/27/2021 - 15:45

Candidate: KARFEF  Saliha

Department: Sciences of matter

Thesis Title: "Étude de premiers principes des pérovskites"

Date, 01/02/2021 Time '10 a.m.

Location: Conference room of the Central Library

Wed, 01/27/2021 - 15:37

Candidate: GUECHI Nassima

Department: Sciences of matter

Thesis Title: "Matériaux fonctionnels : Étude ab initio"

Date, 01/02/2021 Time '14 p.m.

Location: Conference room of the Central Library

Wed, 01/20/2021 - 15:30

Candidate: BOUNAYA Mohammed Charif

Department: Mathematics

Thesis Title: "Etude analytique et numérique pour les équations integro-différentielles non linéaires de Fredholm"

Date, 01/25/2021 Time '10 a.m.

Location: Conference room of the Central Library

Mon, 01/11/2021 - 09:13
Thu, 12/31/2020 - 10:48

Candidate: SALAH Selma

Department: Mathematics

Thesis Title: "Equation of dynamics with a numerical approach"

Date, 03/01/2021 Time '10 a.m.

Location: Conference room of the Central Library

Thu, 12/31/2020 - 09:00

Candidate: BERHAIL Amel

Department: Mathematics

Date, 01/10/2021 Time '10 a.m.

Location: Conference room of the Library

habilitation _mism
Thu, 12/31/2020 - 08:30

Candidate: MAIZI Rafik

Department: Sciences of matter

Date, 07/01/2021 Time '10 a.m.

Location: Conference room of the Central Library

habilitation1 _mism
Mon, 12/07/2020 - 13:18

It is brought to the attention of students of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Material Sciences of the University of GUELMA admitted to the 2 nd and 3 rd year license for the 2020/2021 academic year, that As part of orientation from the 1st year to the 2nd year of the license and also from the 2 nd year to the 3 rd year of the license, they must complete their online greeting cards via the orientation platform through the site http://services.univ-guelma.dz/ort_lic/, and this during the period from 12/06/2020 to 12/10/2020. However, we inform the students that the orientation results will be published on the university website.
